
OSAE offers many programs to help association professionals develop their skills.

Educational and Networking Events

OSAE holds monthly educational luncheons and networking events from September through June.


OSAE, through partnership with other allied state societies, offers webinars and other self-study courses that qualify for CAE and CMP continuing education hours. Annual Convention

Held each July, OSAE’s Annual Convention features dynamic educational sessions, a tradeshow, and the presentation of our association awards. CEO Roundtable

OSAE's CEO Roundtable is an exclusive peer group. The CEO Roundtable brings association CEOs together to discuss common issues, build alliances, and create synergies that are unavailable to leaders acting alone. Topics are determined by the participants and have included:

  • Board relations and expectations of the CEO
  • Small staff solutions (capacity/productivity)
  • Stress management/time management
  • Staff retention/motivation
  • Increasing member involvement/commitment
  • Leveraging technology
  • Alliances with other associations
  • Contracts/compensation for CEO

Certified Association Executive (CAE)

CAE Online Study Course

Michigan Society of Association Executives Online CAE Prep Course

The Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation has become the pinnacle to strive for among Association Executives nationwide. Administered by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), the CAE designation demonstrates to yourself and your peers that you are committed to the profession and have a mastery of the principles of the job. In addition, if you are, or aspire to become, the chief staff executive within your association, the CAE serves to not only better prepare you for the responsibilities of the job, but to also confirm to those making the promotion/hiring decisions that you are serious about your career.

Earning the CAE requires a prerequisite amount of involvement in the association management profession and passage of a multiple-choice test. It is an intensive, comprehensive assessment of one's knowledge of all aspects of association management.